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The key component in our substation concept is the E-House, a modular substation building to accommodate various power distribution solutions for outdoor usage or other challenging operational environments where delicate systems need shelter.  

Our wide selection includes modules of different sizes, which can be combined to form large-scale solutions for power distribution. 

VEO E-House

Our largest E-House deliveries have been over 400 m2 in size.

Our E-House is a modular building platform designed to house the necessary equipment for low and medium-voltage power distribution of any size.


  • modules are prefabricated, fitted, and internally wired  
  • may include  Auxiliary systems, control, protection, and communication equipment as well as low and medium-voltage switchgears up to 45kV
  • when shipped off to site, contains everything from switchgears to control and communication equipment, fire and burglar systems as well as lighting and heating
  • can be delivered with air-insulated or gas-insulated switchgear technology or a combination of both
  • optional features such as charging stations for electric vehicles, solar roofs or alternative colours and materials for exterior wall coating
  • the lifespan of the building is approximately 50 years 

Our prefabrication solution enables factory work and on-site work to be progresssimultaneously, which reduces the total working time and minimises overlapping work phases. This is a key factor in keeping personal safety at excellent levels as working time in close proximity to machinery and live equipment is reduced. 

Full EPC responsibility

We want to help our clients succeed. That is why, no matter the scale or the complexity, we are ready to take full EPC responsibility for your electrification and automation projects.

Interested in hearing more about the E-House? 

Give us a call.

VEO Ville Vieri

Ville Vieri

Head of Sales, Sweden & Norway
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VEO Sami Koskela

Sami Koskela

Sales Manager
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Juha-Petteri Lesonen

Sales Manager
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VEO Juha Tuisku

Juha Tuisku

Sales Manager
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Eric Gustafsson

Eric Gustafsson

Engineering Manager, Sweden
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Jonathan Malm

Sales Manager
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