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Testing fail-safe systems

If your priority is to maintain the functional safety of the plant, then all fail-safe systems, including safety-integrated systems (SIS) and safety-related systems (SRS) need to be tested regularly.

This is why we offer our clients a full range of periodic testing services for all types of fail-safe systems: starting from preparations to testing and calibration of field instruments.

VEO tests all safety functions entirely, so that the whole chain, from the field instruments up to control devices, work as planned. In addition, we check that the plant’s HMI-system functions accordingly. All testing methods and results are documented, and the report can be handed over to third-party safety inspectors. 

VEO Lifecycle Services

Our experts carry out regular testing on fail-safe automation and other safety-related systems.

Do you need our assistance?

Give us a call today.

Antti Hiironniemi

Antti Hiironniemi

Head of Sales, Finland
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Olav Lundström

Service Manager
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VEO Ville Vieri

Ville Vieri

Head of Sales, Sweden & Norway
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VEO Rami Luoma

Rami Luoma

Sales Manager
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