VEO donates 15,000 euros to the University of Vaasa
februari 17, 2022VEO Oy is donating 15,000 euros to the University of Vaasa. The donation will be allocated to the School of Technology and Innovations.
– VEO sees the importance of long-term cooperation with the University of Vaasa. We are developing new innovative products and solutions that will contribute to achieving carbon-neutral targets. In this development work, cooperation with the University of Vaasa is of paramount importance to us and also ensures future top talent for the energy sector, says Timo Ala-Heikkilä, CEO of VEO Oy.
Jari Kuusisto, rector of the University of Vaasa, thanks VEO Oy for the donation.
– This is the third time VEO is giving to our university. We appreciate that VEO wants to work with us and support our education and research over the long term.
– We want to be a valued partner also in our region’s important energy and environmental technology cluster. Education and research which are of high quality internationally have a big impact on business growth and supply of labour in the region of Vaasa, Kuusisto continues.
The target of the fundraising campaign of the University of Vaasa is to collect 5–7 million euros of private funds for the matched-funding scheme by the Finnish state. Each donated euro, up to 11 million euros in total, is matched by up to 2.5 euros by the state. The building of long-term strategic partnerships is also an important goal of the fundraising campaign of the university.
Further information
Rector Jari Kuusisto, University of Vaasa, tel. +358 29 449 8291
CEO Timo Ala-Heikkilä, VEO Oy, tel. +358 20 719 0610

From left: Rector Jari Kuusisto and Liaison Director Harry Linnarinne from the University of Vaasa; CEO Timo Ala-Heikkilä and Head of Marketing and Business Development Jarkko Aro from VEO Oy.