Generator Commander enables meeting the most demanding grid code specifications for power generating facilities
april 22, 2021Generator Commander, the magnetisation and protection device innovated by VEO and Arcteq, has been implemented on a 54-MW generator according to Fingrid’s grid code specifications for power generating facilities (VJV2018). The new features of the device, the power system stabiliser (PSS) and dual-channel excitation, extend the device’s application to power plants with an output of over 30 MW or a 110-kV connection, launching an entirely new Finnish technology.
Grid stabilisation assistance
VEO has continued to develop the Generator Commander, its innovation for excitation and protection of synchronous machines, to better stabilize the power oscillations between different regions connected to the main grid, and to safeguard grid functionality. Now, the device has been updated with the most demanding feature of voltage regulation: a PSS, i.e., a power system stabiliser. This feature comes into good use, as Fingrid in 2018 broadened its PSS requirements for over 100-MW power plants to also include over 30-MW power plants. Now, all type-D synchronous power generating modules that are over 30 MW or have a 110-kV connection require power system stabilisation. Although the grid disturbances in the European main grid have increased annually, the reliability of Fingrid’s grid was record-high in 2020.
”The stricter requirements for type-D power generating facilities mean that an increasing amount of power producers must take PSSs into use, as their control systems have to be updated”, explains VEO’s Hannu Erkkilä, Sales Manager, Excitation, who runs the development of the Generator Commander.
“Stabilising active power in the grid is one of the most challenging areas of excitation. The Generator Commander has integrated functions for testing and fine-tuning these settings. Implementing active power stabilisation also requires pre-modelling”, Erkkilä continues.
Up until now, VEO has delivered larger excitation projects with PLCs, but now the application range of VEO’s own equipment is extended. The PSS function was applied to the Generator Commander for the first time in the autumn of 2020, and the last tests were done in January 2021.
Photo: The Generator Commander has been updated with a PSS, i.e., a power system stabiliser. 16.7 million colors in the display ease the use of the device.
VEO and Fingrid’s cooperation
Fingrid utilised VEO’s expertise in active power stabilisation testing already in 2015, when the excitation system of the Martinlaakso power plant of Vantaan Energia was renewed.
”Back then, we conducted the test in collaboration with Fingrid, together with the Canadian Kestrel and Vantaan Energia. Based on the test results, Fingrid defined and created directions for the implementation of active power stabilisation. Fingrid must know how the grid behaves during disturbances”, Erkkilä explains.
For consumers Fingrid’s stricter requirements can be seen in the reliability of the electricity grid. To industrial and energy business companies VEO’s PSS know-how demonstrates how VEO can help system operators verify that their equipment follows regulations.
“Our know-how can be seen in the fact that our projects hit the mark, meaning that the PSS modelling can be verified during implementation”, Erkkilä continues.
Dual-channel excitation
In addition to the Generator Commander’s PSS feature, VEO introduced a dual-channel feature in the 54-MW generator delivery. Dual-channel excitation is required in machinery exceeding 10 MW.
“Here, VEO has executed the dual-channel excitation in an exceptional way: the components of the spare channel can be replaced without having to interrupt the running generator”, Erkkilä asserts.
More information:
Hannu Erkkilä, Sales Manager, Excitation, VEO Oy, tel. +358 40 564 3328,

Photo: The Generator Commander has been updated with a PSS, i.e., a power system stabiliser. 16.7 million colors in the display ease the use of the device.
The new features of the Generator Commander, the power system stabiliser (PSS) and dual-channel excitation, extend the device’s application to power plants with an output of over 30 MW or a 110-kV connection.