The line is a unique production line for a new product: ferritic stainless steel. VEO’s turnkey delivery included electrification, instrumentation and automation design, equipment deliveries, installation and start-up, along with the necessary training.
VEO was responsible for getting the production line’s technical specifications and equipment procurements to meet the production targets set by the principal. The extent of the VEO delivery is illustrated by the equipment quantities delivered for the production line, e.g. over 120 metres of VEDA 5000 low voltage switchgears, 250 frequency converters, AC motors for the line drives, 10 pickling (13kA) rectifiers and a large amount of peripheral equipment.As the project owner VEO was in charge of the project, with support from field planning subcontractor Polar Automaatio from Keminmaa and installation subcontractor YIT Installation Oy.
The project was successfully completed and the production line was up and running in record time.
For nearly the entire duration of the installation there were 30-40 technicians on-site and as many as 65 at peak times.- Comprehensive production line training and a line operation plan were implemented in accordance with the programme developed for us by VEO. The production start-up involved two 11-week production periods and during which malfunctions related to the delivery were measured. Our production operating targets were achieved and the production line was up and running in record time, explains project manager Lasse Sillanpää of Outokumpu Tornio Works.

VEO Oy completed the electrification and automation project of the rolling, annealing and pickling line (AP2) for Outokumpu Tornio Works.