VEO modernises Lutufallet hydropower plant
February 9, 2023VEO’s engineers have just finished the commissioning of the Lutufallet hydropower plant in Norway. This is the second time VEO is involved in a modernisation of this particular plant. VEO’s scope in the current project has been to upgrade the plant’s automation and protection system while the turbine and generator underwent a modernisation by a third part. The Lutufallet plant is one of many cooperation projects between VEO and Hafslund Eco Vannkraft AS – not only during this year but during the past decades.
VEO’s Project Manager Håkan Björkskog remembers the Lutufallet hydropower plant well from the beginning of his career at VEO. It was one of his first projects at VEO for about 20 years ago. Now, in early 2023, his team has handed over a smaller-scale upgrading project of the same plant, containing an improved control and automation system, new protection relays as well as a new connection to the 132 kV grid. The project has been delivered on schedule for VEO’s part and according to the same proven VEO concept as in previous projects. Hafslund Eco Vannkraft AS Project Manager Bjarte Rød is satisfied with VEO’s way of working.
“We are pleased with the delivery. We feel that VEO’s solutions are solid and that they are thoroughly tested before the engineers leave the construction site”, says Rød.
“Back in 2000, VEO delivered a complete project including everything from control and automation system to low and medium voltage switchgears and a 110 VDC system. These auxiliary systems and switchgears are still in good condition so this time, only the electronic equipment, such as the PLC system inside the control cabinets, was renewed. Lutufallet is a good example of how we work, offering both large and small-scale modernisation projects for hydropower plants”, Björkskog says.
VEO cooperates with the Norwegian hydropower company Hafslund Eco Vannkraft AS in a few hydropower projects each year. At the moment, VEO has ongoing projects at Hafslund Eco’s Nedre Vinstra hydropower plant and the Aurland 4 hydropower plant. Nedre Vinstra with its five units is located inside a mountain and has strategic importance for Norway’s power supply. This extensive project will span until 2024 for VEO’s part.
For more information
Håkan Björkskog
Project Manager, VEO
tel. +358 50 554 7039

Lutufallet is a good example of how VEO works, offering both large and small-scale modernisation projects for hydropower plants.