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VEO is at the forefront of the world in occupational safety

May 10, 2019

Yes, we did it again! VEO is among the best workplaces in Finland when it comes to occupational safety. This is the third year in a row that we have attained the highest level of occupational safety and accident prevention.

Only workplaces attaining the highest safety level classification are awarded the commendation “in the world’s forefront”. This time, there were 31 workplaces at the top of the list. The classification system is developed by a Finnish national network, the Zero Accident Forum, which is coordinated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. As a member of the Forum, VEO strives to share information on best practices with other workplaces, improve workplace safety in co-operation with employees and management, and sees health & safety as an integral part of VEO’s business operations

According to the leader of the Zero Accidents Forum, Tiina-Mari Monni, the workplaces that ranked well in this year’s classification are continuously striving to find new ways to improve health & safety at work. Some of the basic information used in the classification includes the frequency and seriousness of occupational accidents at the workplace, the systems that the company has for investigating occupational accidents, and reporting dangerous situations. Internal communication and education about occupational safety are also becoming increasingly important