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Work at Pysäysperä mega substation is progressing as planned

10 syyskuun, 2021

VEO has initiated work at the Pysäysperä substation, which is part of the VEO/Fingrid agreement signed in October 2020. The work in Haapajärvi is progressing well and the substation, which will provide the national grid with a significant amount of capacity, is scheduled for completion in the autumn of 2022.

VEO’s delivery includes the entire substation, excluding the main transformers, and is VEO’s first project with a voltage level of 400 kilovolts. Earthwork and preparatory construction is complete, and the work on site has advanced to a stage when the HV equipment is being installed. At the factory in Vaasa, relay cabinets are being constructed and tested.

“In an undertaking of this size with many stakeholders, one of the most important issues is to eliminate bottlenecks. The global situation with material delivery problems has made the process unnecessarily challenging, but so far we have managed to pinpoint the right solutions, meaning we are right on schedule”, says Antti Hiironniemi, Sales Manager at VEO.

As in all VEO projects, occupational safety is just as important as the smooth running of the project. Work at the Pysäysperä substation not only involves VEO employees on site and in the factory, but also a large team of subcontractors. Ensuring that everyone is safe is a top priority and has earned VEO a Level 1 ranking in Zero Accident Forum’s annual safety level classification for the fifth year in a row.

The value of the agreement signed on 19.10.2020 is approximately 14.5 million euros. The value of the entire investment package is just under 30 million euros. The substation will be built in connection with a new and important electricity transmission line known as Metsälinja. In the vicinity of the station, wind farms are being developed for thousands of megawatts and the substation with thus contribute to the construction of a carbon-neutral Finland.

The work in Haapajärvi is progressing well and the substation, which will provide the national grid with a significant amount of capacity, is scheduled for completion in the autumn of 2022.